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CHARLOTTE'S WEB @blogspot.com ♥
Daisypath Anniversary Years PicDaisypath Anniversary Years Ticker
Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Have Shifted....

I have shifted my blog...

This is the only way to keep me blogging - To get a new fresh look for my blog, and that will keep me excited to maintain it, I think, at least for a few weeks? :)

Do visit me at www.charsablogger.wordpress.com, eh... don't expect super flamboyant and professional blog design k? I decided to opt for simple and sleek.... less maintenance lol.

Hope to continue hearing from my curious readers... See ya!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bidding Farewell to MediaCorp

I tendered last wk of Mar, after hearing a good proposition from my hubby, that I thought it's worth a try into the new venture.

My last day with MediaCorp, where I've been the last 3 and a half yrs was something that was not what I've imagined. I'm still running here and there to do some errands and attending meetings amidst finishing my handovers 3 days ago. Had wanted to have a photo-taking session with my dear colleagues and bosses, but realised that I had only 1 hr left to pack my stuff b4 the day ended. Nonetheless, loads of farewell lunches were done a week ago...

Still, managed to take a photo with my admin mgr, and that was when I'm handing over my laptop!

I'm gonna miss the pple, but definitely excited to be my hubby's secretary. Hopefully, it works out well.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Places To Go When You Don't Know Where To Go

It was 1 of those afternoons whereby u're at home lazing, after doing all the housekeeping that was accumulated for the whole week, and thinking of where to go for some chill up time. Thank God for a grp of colleagues who're always looking around for nice places to visit and they told me that there was this concept store cum cafe, tucked in a corner at 7 Ann Siang Hill, that serves nice cakes and sells vintage toys.

We decided to take a look yesterday, while the kids were napping, and went to have our 1 hour of serenity.

The location was really inconspicuous. Run by a husband and wife team( husband bakes, wife serves- great inspiration lol), they sold japanese cakes and beverages. KKi Cakes are opened from 12pm to night time(can chk the website for more details) except for mondays. The design of the store is very homely, tidy with interesting items on display to help you reminisce on the childhood to teenage days. For eg, me and Yo started talking abt those times we flash transparency songsheets during P&W when we saw an old OHP.

Some signature cakes we ate: Kinabaru and Tiramisu. Looks sweet but actually taste quite light. It's a bit pricy though... 1 slice of cake is around $7-8 and each cup of say latte is abt $4.50. And the cup is smaller than that of Starbucks reg size.

Overall, not too bad to go there once in a while. Just 1 of the perks to stay in the town area. I love Tanjong Pagar!

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sibling Rivalry Starts Early!

These 2 cheeky monkeys have been up to mischief, and the amazing thing is the sister actually knows how to retaliate when being bullied! What's going on? Early maturing of an 8 mth old bb?

- Fighting over iPad and iPhone...
- Fighting over Lego blocks and cars.
- Meimei pulls gorgor's hair
- Gorgor smacks meimei's forehead....

Yet at times, they r so 'lovey dovey'...
- Gorgor hugs Meimei when came back from sch.
- Meimei climbs over gorgor's back and laughs.
- Meimei touches gorgor's hair and squeals in delight!
- Gorgor goes over to a Meimei climbing over the edge of a bed and says, 'Be careful!'

These 2 monkeys r making their daddy and mummy so puzzled and amused. But we're totally enjoying each moment in discovering more about their individual personality. Thank God for these 2 darlings!

YouTube Video

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

XBox or Fuji Xerox?

Kids are so much observant than us!

I still remember that we were driving along the road, heading towards the ECP, when George kept on saying, 'Xbox! XBox!'

We were looking around to see what he might be referring to. Then, we realized that we just passed by the Fuji Xerox building.

Oh I see... Didn't notice that the 2 logos are so similar... Lol. Clever boy!

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Location:On the MRT

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Zhanwei's Proposal.... Finally!

It was my bro's proposal on Sun! I had always had the idea that a proposal shd be between the couple, with at the most a small grp of close friends to help up... Until Evelyn 'chio' us to support...

Why not? The only bachelor of the Fong family is getting hitched soon... Whoppee....

Anyway, heard he rented a van for 2 days to put in all the balloons and props... When my mum heard that on sat, she said 'wah... My boy grow up already!' (huh... She took a long time to realize that! But not that she will treat her ah boy differently ....)

Anyway, I brought the whole brood to Marina Barrage. Quite enjoyed the fact that my helper was on leave, so I can enjoy some family bliss with my 3 darlings... Audrey fell asleep while we were 'in ambush'. The wind was strong and made her drowsy... Siying was led down by her CCH friends from the cafe at level 2. And Zhanwei gave that 'Baby, here I am...' gesture (with arms wide open to receive her)

I think she teared...

All in all, it was a simple proposal. We couldn't hear what he was saying in his speech and confession... But he said something like, 'Generally, I have decided to....' Aiyo, so preachy....

But then again, it's a 2 persons affair. The speech must have been something to make Siying so touched. Like I always believed, a proposal is between a couple themselves. But we were glad to share the joy with them!

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Location:In the Car

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Went to IR to take a look last Sun... Discovered this shop called 'Candylicious'. Thought that George would enjoy it more than anyone else but I realized that I suddenly became a little girl when I walked around. The store sells really cute stuff... So cutie cutie that you just wanna bring all of them home.

Yo has to grab hold of me as I was just wandering around from 1 shelf to another, exclaiming at how pretty and cute the sweets and souveniers are. But too bad, we aren't allowed to take photos. They claimed that their candies are too shy!

Just a few pic that I managed to secretly snapped:

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