Yes, finally... Bb Audrey decided to come out of her 'comfort zone' into this real world...
My In-laws came the Sun before the week of my delivery. The wait for the contractions to come was really unbearable. It's like so near yet so far. My dilations were there, but no sign of tummy pain... And this had gone on for weeks.. So 1 of the morn, my MIL suggested for me to go for induced labour, as she was super freaked out to see my super protruding and big tummy everyday.
The night before the day to be induced for labour, I couldn't sleep at all. Too excited and nervous. And I know Yo didn't sleep well, as he kept turning side to side. I woke up super early, at 7am. My appt with the doc was at 930am... Bathed myself, changed, dbl-chked my delivery bag, drank my Chicken Essence (my maid spilled half of the bottle while opening, much to my dismay) and quickly got ready to leave the hse. Meanwhile, my tummy was feeling a bit sore and achy... I thought it was due to butterflies in my tummy.. so didn't really bother abt it.
Reached the clinic at 850am. We decided to have Delifrance for breakfast since the clinic was not yet opened. When we finally saw the doc at 930am, she did a contraction test on the monitor and chked my dilation. I still remembered what she said, 'Jiaying, you don't need to be induced already, you are already in labour!' 3cm dilated, let's admit you in now.'
What comes after that took place within 6 hrs... I laid in the labour ward, waiting for dilation to increase another 7cm. I was put on epidural, didn't have much side effects except some shivering and being nauseous. Doc came at 1130am to burst my water bag and before I knew it, I was wheeled to the birth rm at 3pm.
This time round, the epi wasn't too strong a dosage, as compared to Georgie's time. So I could still feel a sensation down below, but no pain. Nurses were there to instruct me when to push while we waited for Dr to come after she's done with another delivery. I could feel Bb Audrey's head pushing itself out whenever contractions come. Frankly speaking, the whole sensation felt like passing bowels.
Felt like pushing everytime the contractions come. Could feel Audrey's head making its way out. However, the nurses stopped me and told me to wait for the Dr at some point. What frightens me was what she said following after, "If the Bb comes out now, we wouldn't know what to do!" So we spent another 20 min watching CNN... And I still remembered that we and the nurses started discussing about Lindsey Lohan being sentenced to 3 mths' jail as it was reported on TV during then...!
Dr Joy came into the birth rm after abt half an hr. Audrey was out in about 3-4 more pushes. I was so happy when she was placed in my arms. Finally, the ordeal was over! And I was amazed at how much easier this labour was compared to my 1st baby... PTL!
Always felt that Yo must have freaked out when he rejected the Doc's offer to cut George's umbilical cord 2 yrs ago. He denied that he was in a state of shock, always saying that blood sights do not make his knees tremble. Well, he did prove me wrong this time round. Hee...