A Beautiful One Year Has Passed...
I Used To Be Sleeping All The Time...
But Now, How I Wished Mr Sun Sun
Never Goes Home!

Dear Uncles & Aunties, my mummy says I can invitemore friends to my birthday party. If you would like
to join me this Sunday for a super-duper fun time,
please call my mummy or daddy for details in case we
missed out anyone of you. We would love to have you with us!
My Celebration with CHC
As for me, it has just merely been a journey of 11 years ever since I stepped foot in City Harvest Church. And like what many of the pioneers shared during today's 20th Anniversary Celebration Service, it has been a step where I've really never looked back. At least, this is the place - my church, where I've experienced joy, sadness, times of breakthrough and really extreme brokenness, a place where I've found my identity, discovered and developed my leadership qualities, bumped into the love of my life and learned how to build my little family.
I was not really expecting my mum to come with me, as she always would change her mind at the very last minute. However, I guessed it might be because I made an effort to accompany her to go for a singing competition audition on sat (which she was really jittering over it) that ultimately she attended the service. (Ok, and also partly because her dear grandson Javier was performing).
I was really quite cool about the service, not super excited - I also don't know why...probably the whole task of preparing Georgie for svc, driving them down, and the effort to guide 2 new friends (my mum and maid), 1 frightened baby who was overwhelmed by the loud cheers and applause during the 'Don't Forget the Lyrics' segment, and 1 heavy-duty pram up the many flights of stairs to our seats, have tired me out tremendously. I was literally sweating profusely when I was seated down. However, what made my day was the strong presence of God that made me tear continuously and also the experience of my mum worshipping God standing next to me.
Yes, my mum was really worshipping God. At least, she lifted up BOTH her hands and sang the songs loud enough for me to hear in the midst of the huge congregation: 'Beautiful One, Merciful God, God of all heavens, reigning in my heart....' then followed by 'Because of You, I could live again, Because of You, Heaven knows my name...'. And you know what, she also sang together 'Sing Sing Sing' when the children church presented their item. By the way, my mum is chinese-speaking and doesn't really converse in English well. She pronounced Durian as 'Liu Lian', that's how bad it is.
Anyway, praise God for today! I'm really happy because I know that salvation is near. I'm looking forward for the next 20 years to come. But before I continued running in this race again, I know that there are some priorities that I need to re-adjust, some fire and passion that I need to capture back, some conviction and commitment that I need to re-affirm again.
And to all my friends that have been with me for the past 11 years, I really thank you guys for your love and support and friendship at every phase of my life! May we run together with victory for the next 20 years to come!