Monday, March 30, 2009
10 Truths About Mr Yohandi Abraham
1) A man who is passionate about what he does
(You can never find him doing slip-shod work)
2) Has a high standard of what beauty is
(Explains why he has his wife)
3) Intelligent
4) Aloof and serious he may appear to be, he has a soft spot for people who are in need.
5) Plans and organises his tasks well ahead of time
6) Nonetheless, get things done fast even if it's assigned last minute-ly
7) Has a great build and looks suave in executive shirts
8) Love languages: Good food and cool IT gadgets
(Oops...wrong, should be quality time and words of affirmation)
9) Picks up new things fast
10) Is currently happily married and not available for any interested takers...Sorry ladies!
10 Things That God Feels About Me:
1) That I am a fast learner...
2) That I am loyal and steadfast in my relationship with friends and loved ones...
3) That I can adapt to changes well
4) That I am a GREAT wife and a HOT mama
5) Trustworthy is my name.
6) Having a wonderful hubby and handsome son is my well deserved reward!
7) That I am super fun-loving
8) That I have an underlying talent in cooking (keke)
9) That I am a life-transforming preacher
10) That 10 statements are not sufficient enough to describe who I am!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
CRAZY ME!I know this may sound crazy. But I really did it. I left my baby at home with my mum, went night cycling at 1am along East Coast Park, and best still, with 3 single guys.
Alright, don't point your condemning fingers at me 1st. I need to justify myself. The 3 guys were Dev, Xue En and Vincent,all younger than me and the purpose of this outing was for zone bonding alright..
I agreed in the 1st place bcoz Dev msg all the leaders saying:'We're going to have a night cycling session on friday (the 13th) and Jiaying is confirmed coming! (Yes, even Jiaying).' So I thought that all of them were so 'on' to come and little did I know that they were sabo-kings and queens...haha
Alright, anyway, it was quite an experience. We cycled till 3am, went for MacDonalds supper and they proceeded to cycle to Esplanade, while I waved my white flag, saying 'I gotta go home!' But it was really a time well spent. Through all the chit-chatting, they realised that I was quite a sporty girl (quite contradicting to the demure, fragile outlook I always portrayed in church) and were amazed that I had done, kayaking, absailing and slept in a tent before. I also realised that Vincent was known as the walking 'GPS', he knew his North South East West very well, Xue En cycled on a one-wheeler before and loved to flaunt his cycling stunts and of coz something about Dev - he ate 6 small meals a day - which consist of protein drinks, wholemeal breads and he couldn't live 1 day w/o eggs, that's all...quite a boring eater huh...
I felt so bad towards my boy when I reached home at 430am in the morn, but I guessed I had already made it up to him by bringing him swimming hours later at 5pm.
Friday, March 6, 2009
OUR PUPPY LOVEMy hubby and baby are snoozing away, finally had some real personal time to do my own stuff - blogging!
Was reading thru some of my friends' blogs. One blog says:' 3 mths....weeks....days to our wedding', another blog says:' 4 mths......weeks and days to our wedding...' Wow, time passed by really fast. It just seemed like yesterday that their future hubbies proposed to them...
Actually, it's really fun to prepare for your own wedding, esp the gown selection - 1 of the most imp. responsibilities o the bride. I still remembered the day when I tried on my gown, it was fun, full of anticipation yet worried that I couldn't fit in nicely. wait, let me see if I could find a pic of that day....

My Day Gown (I've always known I want a gown with a back like that)

Us, with me in my evening gown
(we looked young rite? As if we juz came out of college...)

My Tea Dress (Didn wear it at all, till to-date, probably for future D&D?)
My colleagues always said: 'Charlotte, I can't imagine you in a wedding gown. You looked so young!' (Of coz, that was b4 I gave birth...) 'You very brave hor..., after only a 2-yr fast get married..'
Well, it's all because of L-O-V-E, i can't say that we're blinded by love, but we're truly convinced that LOVE conquers all!
MR PRODUCERHihi...I'm back blogging! Ya, it's been a few days...
Had a studio production today for 1 of my clients, Standard Chartered. Yes, they're starting on a radio campaign nxt Mon onwards on Class95 and Gold90.5. Do look out for their ad - abt their ext. hrs banking 7 days a wk at selected branches.
There was this producer whom I've worked with a few times. At first, you'll thought that he's rather mean, the way he commented on others, esp women...(i shall leave the details aside). But after sometime, realised that his bark is more fatal than his bite. he's quite a nice person actually, helpful in a certain way. Realised today that he's from a Faith methodist church and he has attended CHC b4 for abt 3 mths. He calls us a 'showbiz' church. Funny, the way he described it. But found out he changed to his current church bcoz he found the music too rock... Hmm, quite contradicting to his personality.
B4 he attended CHC, he was from another Anglican church. Somehow or another, he left thereafter becoz his pastor was insisting that he joined the music ministry grp which consisted of mainly pple in their 40s. i believe during then, he was just a young chap. Guess, partly he felt being pushed, which led him to leave.
Throughout our conversation, we found out that 1 of my clients who was there for the production was also a christian, and is from Canon James' church. She did also attend CHC b4 back in the Hollywood times, and the reason she left was also partly bcoz of the music.. Haha. But anyway, left me with 1 conclusion..
1. There isn't 1 church that is suitable for all. But having said that, i still felt that my church, CHC, is the best i've ever been to.
2. As leaders in the church, we shouldn't force or insist members to do things according to our ways. Instead, we should encourage, motivate, challenge and inspire them to do the right things. Afterall, we're dealing with human beings, require a lot of patience and skills in growing the relationship. Dont ya agree?
Monday, March 2, 2009
George Is becoming Naut Naut And Playful
Doc said that George will be more interested in playing than in drinking milk at this stage. Which explains why he has slimmed down recently.
He is really becoming more playful and has a temper of his own. The thing is nowadays he will usually play for an hour to an hour and a half before he sleeps at 10 plus, sometimes 11. And especially when he has 2 as equally playful grandparents, we have to at times switch off the light, and make it totally pitch dark, to show him that everybody's sleeping, so he should do likewise as well.
The below pic shows him swinging on the sarong as if it's a hammock on a tree, like little tarzan, except that he's wearing clothes. This is 'introduced' by his dear grandma and he seems to enjoy it a lot.

Another thing that we observed about him. Recently, he has to 'stand' on his feet, or at least supported by an adult before he could pass motion. Lying down isn't comfortable for him and sitting down could smash his ______ (er hem.. - you know right?)