Can't Sleep...
It's 5.30am. Just finished feeding George. Can't sleep, my mind is too awake now.
Yesterday was Deepavali, a public holiday for most of us (except for Dad, he still had to work). I didn't go out the 1st half of the day. Gotta wait for Mum to come back b4 me and Yo went out for our movie session. Nonetheless, I cherished the time spent wif George, esp when it was a rainy the weather.
Still remembered those days when we watched movies once or sometimes twice a wk. It had become my fav past-time. Couldn afford to frequent cinemas so often now though, esp with a little one. Really cherished yesterday's day out. We watched 'Tropic Thunder'. Very funny show...the best thing is there was the appearance of Tom Cruise as one of the characters, and u only know it's him at the end of the show, when the credits were screened.
I finally bought a new HP too - E71. (Okie, to my sis and bro, I didn meant to have the same model as both of u...I've been eyeing it way b4 I gave birth). I took the white one. Looks cool and professional.
Heard a sermon by Joel Osteen today in the car. He's good! Talks about 'Success is meant to be intentional'. It's good to refresh these biblical princples once in a while. Sometimes, we thought we knew a lot of His Word. But I realised that re-hearing sermons and reading the scriptures again and again will help us dbl-chk if we have really applied it into our lives. A few pts that I've noted:
- Success is never an accident, it is intentional.
- We need to have short-term goals so that once we have achieved them, we can celebrate while we move on to achieve the long-term goals.
- Desire in latin means from the Father.
- Goals without a written plan are just plain wishes. They will never be fulfilled.
Gotta stop blogging now. Better go back to sleep b4 I wake my family up.
To be continued...
Jewel has a New Toy too!!My sis came over on Sat & I realised that Jewel has a new toy too.. Well, not sure if I should call it 'Big Lumpy' or 'Lumpy Junior'. Coz although it's a new addition into their family, yet it is bigger in size than Javier's own.
Came back home after hanging around for a while in church today. Thought I could juz quickly pop by at Tampines Mall for some Ya Kun or to do some quick shopping. But, the moment I stepped in my hse, I started to get busy over Georgie...Feeding, changing diapers, coaxing him to sleep, and feeding again. When I looked at the time, it was already 9 plus in the evening.. ;x the shops were already closed. Arrgh...I missed my recreation this wk again... When can I start to explore Orchard once again?
George's New ToyNoticed that George kept staring at the ceiling fan recently. These days, it's not juz enuff to feed him milk and make him sleep. Think he needs some entertainment!! So Yo went to buy a cot mobile for him. It was really an elaborate one...with Winnie the pooh and friends hanging down, each with their fav items, like Winnie's 'hunny' pot and bees and Piglet with butterflies... Think George really likes it. At least it keeps him occupied for at least 10 min b4 he seeks for something more interesting...
We also got him 'Build your Baby's Brain' Mozart, Bach and Beethoven music CD series. Well, call us kiasu parents, but it was found thru a research that exposure to such music, esp Mozart's collection, can stimulate creativity & make them brighter. And a child's brain development actually starts while they r in mother's womb.. So for George, it's already considered a bit late.. haha
Well, u may not believe it. He actually smiles while sleeping when he listens to these music during bedtime. Sometimes, he even lets out a hearty laugh...u know, those kind of laughter that sounds like 'hey ku'. Think these music does wonders for the water molecules in George's what we learnt from Pst Kong in church.

Today Mum is back from Gleneagles after an operation at the neck-throat area to remove the tumor. Praise God that it's benign and everything runs on smoothly. The hos bills are quite hefty though..heard from my dad that the doc came in to the ward, ask a few qns to chk on mum's condition and then 'ching ching $$' 300 plus bucks gone.
George smiled at mum when he heard her voice. Well, guess there's an inexplicable bond bet. them both. He cried many rounds when she was 1st admitted to the hos on Mon *Jealous*
3 mths have almost passed since I started to be on maternity. Time passed by really fast. I'm excited to go back to work; its like a new start.. actually i'm more excited abt investing on new work apparels, already thinking abt what new image i want to bring to my clients, hee, esp after 9 mths of preg. wear, my wardrobe is getting a bit dull and boring. Also have an ambitious desire to be the top sales person... my then tummy cost me some 'easy-getting-tired' work days and 'nauseous' presentation. Its time to make up for the lost commission due to my physical body restraints.
However, the thought of spending less time with George makes me hesitant as well. Talking abt George, I really have lotz to pen down. He's really super duper 'quadruple' cute (and I'm not embarrassed to say that)...when he's not crying. In fact, he's got features that I've been asking God for: Big eyes (not super big, but I'm satisfied with it), double eye-lids, small and sharp nose, tiny lips and fair skin. But when he cries, it's like the whole world stops, and your heart can't stop palpitating, your mind keeps thinking hard of what to do next and he could wake the whole family up in the middle of the night. Strangely enuff, he loves to make lotz of noise when he stretches his body while sleeping (he stretches almost every 15-30 min) and the noise is quite distracting, so much so that me and hubby call him 'Little Dino'. Did I also mention that he drinks once every hr? Thank God that he's adjusting his drinking patterns to once every 2 hrs now. And by the way, he would 'demand' to change his diapers once he has wet it.
Well, I have received encouragements from well-wishers that all this fuss will stop soon and I got to hang in there. I will, definitely. He's my darling son... I also understand that no other person can do a much more better job to take care of 'Dino' than me. So for the sake of 'Dino's' well being, I will continue to go thru those sleepless nights w/o complaints.